Design Philosophy
Practicality, Originality, and Reliability
Truck and Bus Design Identity
Hyundai’s Commericla Vehicles Design Philosophy comes from users and their environments.
Safe Practical price ThoughtfulOriginality
Fuel-efficient Cutting-edge ReliableReliability
Strong Ergonomic Comfortable ridePracticality

Productivity, Functionality, and Usability
Hyundai’s commercial vehicles (CVs) can fulfill users’ need with 100% satisfaction along with easy operation.
Creativity, Continuity, and Distinctiveness
The original design and distinctiveness assure users that they made the right choice, thus making them feel proud. By inheriting the original DNA of Hyundai CVs, they evolve, armed with the foundation behind the continuity for their designs.
Performance, Safety, and Eco-Friendliness
The purpose of Hyundai CVs is to protect users through its advanced technology, and ensure reliable and safe performance. Also, users can feel proud that they help protect the environment.